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Rhodes Scholarship 120th Anniversary Reunion: Community Norms

The aim of this document (“the Norms”) is to articulate key community norms and expectations designed to ensure that everyone attending the 120th Anniversary Reunion has a positive experience that reflects the mission, theory of change and values of the Rhodes Trust and its community.

The Rhodes Trust’s Mission, Theory of Change and Values

The Rhodes Trust’s (“the Trust”) mission is to build a better world through global fellowship programmes that develop and connect compassionate, innovative, and public-spirited people committed to solving humanity’s challenges. 

The Trust’s Theory of Change recognizes that the world needs leadership from ethical, creative and courageous people who are able to bridge cultures and disciplines. It therefore:

  • Helps people of talent from all walks of life realise their potential to build a better world;
  • Fosters leadership through diverse and inclusive learning communities;
  • Amplifies impact through lifelong fellowships of mutual support, inspiration and collaboration.

These Norms apply to everyone attending the Rhodes Scholarship 120th Anniversary Reunion, either physically or virtually, regardless of relationship to the Trust.  

The Norms are designed for your guidance and protection. A serious breach may result in the immediate exclusion (without a refund) from all events and/or activities within the 120th Anniversary Reunion and, in extreme cases, may lead to prosecution.  The Rhodes Trust reserves the right in its absolute discretion to exclude or remove any attendee from any of the Reunion’s events whose behaviour causes or is likely to cause a disruption, disturbance or a harmful experience to other attendees as specified in this Code.

The Rhodes Trust commitments

The Trust commits to:

  • Providing a friendly and supportive event experience to every participant;
  • Champion equity and embrace a diversity of identities, backgrounds and perspectives as a core tenet of its values;
  • Embrace open debate, willingness to engage in courageous conversations, promote mutual understanding, listening to diverse opinions, and promote an environment where participants can agree to disagree;
  • To seek, whenever possible and appropriate, to resolve complaints and conflicts in restorative ways;
  • To strive to protect the privacy of all affected individuals, except in circumstances where there is a significant risk of harm, where there is a need for other specific individuals to know on a confidential basis or where legal obligations otherwise require;
  • Treat with respect any attendee or other person who discloses or submits a complaint(s) of violations of the Code or against whom such a complaint is lodged. The Trust will make no presumption of innocence or guilt and will respect the right of complainants to make their own decisions about seeking criminal or civil recourse.

120th Anniversary Reunion Community Norms

All participants in the Rhodes Trust 120th Anniversary Reunion are expected to abide by the following norms:

  • Actively engage in sessions, conversation and debate with a spirit of curiosity and openness while respecting the protected characteristics of fellow participants;
  • Contribute to a positive event environment characterised by mutual respect, integrity, dignity and non-discrimination;
  • Challenge and/or report any form of harassment, discrimination, intimidation, exploitation, hatred or abuse. I understand that prohibited conduct of these forms is described in full in the Glossary for Rhodes Trust Conduct Policies;
  • Be considerate of all event participants, event staff, organisers and volunteers;
  • Ensure that my behaviours are not exploitative, abusive or corrupt in any way;
  • Endeavour to report any such behaviours by myself or others to an employee of the Rhodes Trust or by email:;
  • Comply with the requirements of the Trust’s Safeguarding Policy at all times;
  • Refrain from any conduct which could reasonably be considered to bring the Trust into disrepute;
  • Be sensitive to, and respectful of, international and local customs and culture; and if necessary seek and receive support and advice from the Rhodes Trust and its employees;
  • Behave in ways consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with a fundamental acknowledgement of the inherent worth and rights of every individual, including their freedom of speech;
  • Refrain from engaging in any illegal conduct and from displaying any inappropriate content, including but not limited to sexual language and imagery;
  • Refrain from a sustained disruption of sessions, events or activities of the Reunion;
  • Abstain from inappropriate contact (sexual or other) with other attendees within the Rhodes 120th Anniversary Reunion;
  • Refrain from the use, or possession of, illegal substances or consumption of alcohol to excess whilst attending the 120th Anniversary Reunion.