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Create the connections that change the world

Four Scholars talking against a backdrop of the Oxford skyline

With you, we fight the world's fight

Over the past 120 years, generations of Rhodes Scholars have worked together to fight the world’s fight.

Today, Rhodes Scholars continue to lead by guiding nations, curing diseases, advancing technology and elevating the positive potential of the world. This is our impact, but with your support our community can do even more.

To be part of this esteemed community is to be central to the conversations and actions that change the world. 

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Scholars working to create better policy worldwide

Just as a novel virus can quickly spread across the planet, so too can novel solutions. Take just one example, set by Siddhartha Mukherjee, (India & Magdalen 1993) Michael Spence (Ontario & Magdalen 1966) Pardis Sabeti, (Florida & New College 1997) Montek Singh Ahluwalia, (India & Magdalen 1964) and Dylan Barry (South Africa-at-Large & Merton 2018).

Alongside others, these Rhodes Scholars form the Global Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy. This independent, interdisciplinary group stands up to foresee, plan for and mitigate the wide range of issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. They make sure the right people are in the right room at the right time.

A Scholar playing chess at Rhodes House

Moving society forward to a better future

Today, public-spirited leaders who arise outside traditional places of power struggle to take part in global conversations. Systemic bias marginalises their impact.

It excludes them - and entire communities and countries - from adding their ideas and taking the actions that affect the lives of people the world over.

Only by including the voices that have been deliberately excluded will the world gain the abounding intelligence and resulting solutions it desperately needs.

Through the connections that international Rhodes Scholars forge, we bring the world into the conversation.

That is how you can foster exponential potential today.

A smiling Nelson Mandela, greeting singing students at Rhodes House
We ... join in extending our congratulations on a century of sterling work in fostering and developing intellectual leadership in many countries around the world.

Nelson Mandela, celebrating 100 years of the Rhodes Scholarship in 2003

A Zimbabwe Bird newel post on the staircase at Rhodes House

When we confront our shadows, we find our light

We learn from the past, look to the future and envision all we can achieve together.

Since the Rhodes Trust was established in 1902, those of us who carry on this legacy have worked to amplify the best of it.

We cannot sweep aside our history. We can and will, however, use what we learn from it as a lever to power our continued positive change.

Learn more about our Legacy, Equity and Inclusion journey

Three ways to release potential

The Scholars Fund

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Every element of the Scholar experience is strengthened by The Scholars Fund. Your generosity creates valuable opportunities for Scholars in Oxford and beyond.

The Scholars Fund Learn More

Creating Scholarships

A Scholar sitting in Rhodes House

Give rise to the novel solutions that change the world by extending Rhodes Scholarships to connect those from communities with under-represented 
perspectives and intelligences.

Making the Scholarship truly global.

Creating Scholarships Learn More

Wills & Bequests

A Scholar rowing on the Isis on an overcast day. There are trees at the waters edge

By including the Rhodes Scholarships in your estate planning you ensure future generations will continue to benefit from this unique experience.

Wills & Bequests Learn More