Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship

Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship


Initiatives Open to All

At the Rhodes Trust, we are committed to fostering an inclusive community where opportunities are accessible to all individuals, regardless of background or affiliation. Our journey towards inclusivity is rooted in the recognition that collaboration and collective action are essential for driving meaningful change.

As an organisation founded on the principles of leadership, service, and fellowship, we want to acknowledge the invaluable contributions and perspectives that come from engaging with individuals beyond the Rhodes Scholar community. It is with this ethos in mind that we seek to broaden our range of initiatives open to the public, inviting diverse voices to join us in our mission to make a positive impact on the world. Explore the opportunities below and keep an eye on the Event Calendar to learn how you can be part of our collaborative efforts towards a brighter future.

An image of a conference room filled with people listening to three speakers on stage.

Global Convenings

These are themed hybrid initiatives which bring together some of the brightest minds in the world to discuss, debate and explore potential solutions to a number of the world’s most pressing issues. All are welcome to attend either in-person or online! Participants and Speakers include: Rhodes Scholars, members of other Fellowships, topic experts and others thought leaders from the Oxford ecosystem and beyond.

The aim of our global convenings is to bring together a variety of perspectives and diversity of knowledge to provoke discussions, to create mentorship opportunities and, most importantly, to catalyse change. Funding dependent, two to three events take place each year on a variety of topics. Email if you have any questions about these, or you can view the highlights from previous editions here.

Scholars’ Library

Scholars’ Library is a monthly virtual book talk series. At each event, Rhodes Scholars present, discover and debate their literary works with those in the community and beyond. These events are always open to everyone, please email if you have any questions.

Film Fora

Usually hybrid, the Film Fora series aims to leverage the creativity and intellectual firepower of the global community to develop actionable systemic change ideas that could help respond to a world in crisis. Events aim to turn the spotlight on extraordinary productions with socially relevant themes from across the world, inviting attendees on a thought-provoking journey of discovery and action. Each film screening will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with the audience.

Oxford Next Horizons

Oxford Next Horizons is a six-month residential experience in Oxford in partnership with Harris Manchester College for mid to late career participants with expertise in any field, giving you time to think, explore, and reinvent. The first programme of its kind in Europe, participants will leave with new energy, new ideas, new perspectives and a network of friends and mentors. Fees apply to the programme, but scholarships are available on an as needed basis. To find out more and to apply, head to our dedicated website here.

Oxford Open Doors

Each September, Rhodes House warmly welcomes everyone inside to experience the rich history and vibrant atmosphere of the building. During Oxford Open Doors, we invite visitors from near and far to explore the newly reimagined Rhodes House, providing an opportunity for all to immerse themselves in the architectural beauty and historical significance. Keep an eye out on the website to register for a spot!

Scholar Event

Art Exhibitions

Rhodes House now serves as a vibrant hub for artistic expression, hosting a diverse array of captivating art exhibitions throughout the year. Showcasing the work of both established and emerging artists from around the world, these exhibitions offer visitors a unique opportunity to engage with thought-provoking visual narratives and explore contemporary issues through the lens of art.

From curated displays that celebrate cultural diversity to solo showcases that push the boundaries of creativity, each exhibition at Rhodes House aims to inspire, provoke, and ignite dialogue. Join us in experiencing the transformative power of art as we curate a dynamic cultural space within the historic walls of Rhodes House. For more information about the exhibitions, or to learn more about our artist residency, please contact You can also visit this page for virtual tours of the exhibitions and the House. Rhodes House also takes part in Oxford Art Weeks, which takes place each May.

Each October we host a Dialogue event as part of Black History Month together with the organisation ‘The World Reimagined’. They hosted stunning globes on the theme of Africa, enslavement and hope at Rhodes House in summer 2023. The dialogue theme for 2023 was ‘Redefining the Atlantic Triangle’ and the theme for 2024 will be ‘Joy as Resistance’.

Community Engagement

There are other ways the Trust works on initiatives with the wider community and we are committed to increasing our local engagement. One example of this commitment is through Global Impact Day. This initiative is an opportunity for the Rhodes Trust community and its partners to take part in a one-day social impact hackathon, to help support local causes. In Oxford, we connect with local charities and ask them to put forward challenges they are currently facing. On the day (usually in January) groups work in teams to generate innovative ideas and potential solutions to share with the charities.

Rhodes Scholars in Residence also volunteer with many local charities and Rhodes House makes rooms available to local charitable organisations on a low or no cost basis. We are open to community inspired events, for example in 2024 we will have a film premier from a local student who has been looking at how to open up gallery and museum spaces to a wider audience.