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Create the connections that change the world

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Each Scholar adding their potential

The Exponential Potential campaign aims significantly to increase the number of Scholarships we can offer to outstanding students from around the world.

Oxford University - the oldest English-speaking university in the world - is the dynamic intellectual heart of every Rhodes Scholar’s journey. Our community of impact begins with graduate study at this thousand-year-old centre of teaching and scholarship.

We aim to grow our endowment, which allows us to offer places for new students to study at Oxford every single year in perpetuity - ever more individuals ready to serve, creating a community of Scholars which grows ever stronger, reaches ever further and impacts ever more.

That is why we say our Potential is Exponential.

A map of the future Rhodes constituencies

Creating new opportunities around the world

With your leadership we will amplify the reach of the Rhodes Scholarship and make it a truly global and inclusive opportunity - supporting students from all major geographies - including those which are currently under-represented.

We will endow new Scholarships in regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Middle East, and, with your vision, those which are not currently awarded, including North Africa and Latin America.

Today, we need you to add your voice and your potential.

Our strategic plan to realise Exponential Potential

Our strategic plan is to grow the Rhodes Scholarships to 125 by our 125th anniversary in 2028. That would allow us to support 125 Rhodes Scholars every single year, creating a fast-growing community of people impatient to create change.

Individuals committed to change, in a community dedicated to impact.

Phase One

Scholars walking in Oxford

Endow all existing China and East African Scholarships as a priority and then pursue funding for six new African and Asian Scholarships.

Phase Two

Scholars Going Through An Open Door

Secure endowments to support expansion of Scholarships in Africa, China & Hong Kong, Asia and the Middle East, secure plus additional flow funding for additional Global Scholarships.

Phase Three

Scholars Walking Through Glass Sliding Doors

Raise funding for Central America, South America, Europe and Global Scholarships.

Let us help realise your Exponential Potential

Let us help you realise the potential you would like to unleash, whether it be opening up Scholarships around the world or creating programming and conversations that shift the dial.

Frewyeni Kidane

Frewyeni Kidane

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Rachel Wood

Rachel Wood

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Rodolfo Lara

Rodolfo Lara Torres

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Three ways to release potential

The Scholars Fund

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Every element of the Scholar experience is strengthened by The Scholars Fund. Your generosity creates valuable opportunities for Scholars in Oxford and beyond.

The Scholars Fund Learn More

Creating Scholarships

A Scholar sitting in Rhodes House

Give rise to the novel solutions that change the world by extending Rhodes Scholarships to connect those from communities with under-represented 
perspectives and intelligences.

Making the Scholarship truly global.

Creating Scholarships Learn More

Wills & Bequests

A Scholar rowing on the Isis on an overcast day. There are trees at the waters edge

By including the Rhodes Scholarships in your estate planning you ensure future generations will continue to benefit from this unique experience.

Wills & Bequests Learn More