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Create the connections that change the world

Scholars 2023 01 23 1019

Unleashing Exponential Potential

For more than a century, the Rhodes Trust has connected brilliant students, sparked world-changing conversations and fostered a community ready to put their potent ideas into action as they fight the world's fight.

Every element of the Rhodes Scholar experience is strengthened by The Scholars Fund. Your generosity and financial support create valuable opportunities and provide immediate impact for Scholars in Oxford and beyond.

Today, we need you to add your voice and your potential.

Why Do I Give Thumbnail

Why do I give?

Rhodes Scholars explain why they give back to the Rhodes Trust and what giving means to them. Together, we unite to share our diverse perspectives, draw new connections and give rise to the novel solutions that change the world.

Your gift has exponential impact and exponential potential.

Maurice Jones
The community of Scholars was the most transformative aspect of my experience at Oxford. Scholars’ intellects, character, hearts and souls inspired me to strive every day to become a better person. That journey continues today. Members of that community continue to play important roles in my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to invest in the experience of today’s Scholars in Residence with the confidence of knowing that I am investing in a lifetime asset for these talented folks.

Maurice Jones (Virginia & St John's 1986)

What Does My Gift Support?

The Scholars Fund is a vital source of regular income that seeks £1 million each year to finance a portion of current Scholar costs and to further enhance the Scholar experience.

Annual gifts have immediate impact, making them an essential complement to the Trust’s endowment, which is invested for the long term.

The Scholars Fund is your primary vehicle for giving in support of the Scholarships. Gifts create opportunities to support top priorities like the Character, Service and Leadership Programme, global outreach, Scholar financial support and intergenerational convening and alumni connectivity.

It seeks to provide the margin of excellence needed to maintain the Scholarships at the forefront of scholarships and other leadership development programmes.

Every gift to the Scholars Fund – no matter the size – unleashes the Exponential Potential of Scholars. 

A scholar walking thrgou an Oxford archway

Scholar Support

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Scholar Research

Two scholars talking by a window

Scholar Collaboration

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Scholar Programme

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Warden's Discretionary Fund

Three ways to release potential

The Scholars Fund

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Every element of the Scholar experience is strengthened by The Scholars Fund. Your generosity creates valuable opportunities for Scholars in Oxford and beyond.

The Scholars Fund Learn More

Creating Scholarships

A Scholar sitting in Rhodes House

Give rise to the novel solutions that change the world by extending Rhodes Scholarships to connect those from communities with under-represented 
perspectives and intelligences.

Making the Scholarship truly global.

Creating Scholarships Learn More

Wills & Bequests

A Scholar rowing on the Isis on an overcast day. There are trees at the waters edge

By including the Rhodes Scholarships in your estate planning you ensure future generations will continue to benefit from this unique experience.

Wills & Bequests Learn More