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Create the connections that change the world

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Commitment to tomorrow's potential

Create a powerful link between your life experience and those Rhodes Scholars who will come after you. Your investment in future Rhodes Scholars ensures your legacy will inspire those who want to change the world.

Leaving a Legacy to the Rhodes Trust will be a catalyst for Scholars to come together to use their unique strengths to make a difference in their communities and the world.

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The Exponential Potential of brilliant minds

It's impossible to predict what path future Scholars will follow. But now, more than ever, we know our world needs bright young minds with the energy and commitment to work in the service of humanity.

Join us as we build on the exciting achievements of the past century and support the Exponential Potential of this most international of Scholarships.

One that connects world-focused Scholars to astounding effect.

Building the future together

We invite you to join a growing community of Scholars and friends who have included the Rhodes Scholarship in their Will.

Together those bequests of all sizes grow exponentially to support a global fellowship of Scholars who will make our world a more just and better place, not only in the 21st Century but for the future.

A gift planned through your Will can have a far greater impact than you might imagine.

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Your legacy

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A powerful link

A gift in your Will allows you to plan for the future without compromising your life today.

Plan for the future

How to make a bequest

There are many ways to include the Scholarship in your Will. The most popular and easiest is a simple bequest.

  • Stating a specific monetary or cash gift amount in your Will.
  • Designating a percentage of your estate.
  • Specifying a residual gift for all or part of your estate after your loved ones and debts have been accounted for.

Depending on your county's tax code, you may be able to include gifts of securities, retirement funds, life insurance or annuities, among other options.

There may be a separately incorporated Rhodes Trust charity in your country of residence that will allow your estate to receive tax benefits.

It is critically important that you use the correct legal name in your Will.

This information is of a very general nature and we always recommend you consult your legal/financial advisor before drafting or updating your Will.

Three ways to release potential

The Scholars Fund

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Every element of the Scholar experience is strengthened by The Scholars Fund. Your generosity creates valuable opportunities for Scholars in Oxford and beyond.

The Scholars Fund Learn More

Creating Scholarships

A Scholar sitting in Rhodes House

Give rise to the novel solutions that change the world by extending Rhodes Scholarships to connect those from communities with under-represented 
perspectives and intelligences.

Making the Scholarship truly global.

Creating Scholarships Learn More

Wills & Bequests

A Scholar rowing on the Isis on an overcast day. There are trees at the waters edge

By including the Rhodes Scholarships in your estate planning you ensure future generations will continue to benefit from this unique experience.

Wills & Bequests Learn More