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Rhodes Scholarship Application Data Protection Statement

A summary of how data contained within Rhodes Scholarship applications will be used, distributed, stored and destroyed.

How the Rhodes Trust use application data

The data contained within Rhodes Scholarship applications will be retained by the Rhodes Trust for a period of seven years after the end of the application round in which the application was created (this is the potential length of eligibility of a candidate for a scholarship). The data will be used by the Rhodes Trust in the following ways:

  • the selection process
  • contacting applicants, if necessary, during the application and selection processes
  • obtaining feedback 
  • application statistics
  • informing outreach efforts 

Applications will be viewable by staff of the Rhodes Trust and third parties, under agreement with the Rhodes Trust, to assist with the purposes stated above. Following seven years the data will be permanently deleted with only non-identifying summary statistics remaining.

For successful Rhodes Scholarship applications, the applications will be retained by the Rhodes Trust, digitally and physically, indefinitely. The applications will be removed from the Embark application platform after seven years.