David Oluigbo

Election Year: 2025

Election Constituency: United States of America

Scholar Status: Scholar Elect

Rhodes Identifier: Maryland/DC, 2025

David Oluigbo


David C. Oluigbo, Washington, D.C., is a senior at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he majors in Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making. David has published over six peer-reviewed articles and has volunteered with the National Institute of Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the McGovern institute for Brain Research. His research focuses on applying artificial intelligence to address complex medical challenges and systemic healthcare challenges. David, or ‘DJ Chidi’, also uses artificial intelligence to transform musical beats and serves as an EMT in his spare time. At Oxford, he aims to pursue an MSc in Applied Digital Health followed by an MSc in Modelling for Global Health.