Ayush Noori

Election Year: 2025

Election Constituency: United States of America

Scholar Status: Scholar Elect

Rhodes Identifier: Washington, 2025

Ayush Noori


Ayush Noori, Bellevue, is a senior at Harvard University, where he is studying for A.B. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science and neuroscience. His research uses artificial intelligence to learn from large-scale biomedical data to identify diagnosis and treatment options, and he has developed an AI model that can be deployed to predict treatment outcomes in bipolar disorder, Parkinson’s disease and neuropathic conditions. He has co-authored over 20 peer-reviewed papers in top journals and was awarded the prestigious Barry Goldwater Scholarship for natural sciences. Ayush is the co-founder and co-president of Harvard Undergraduate OpenBio Laboratory, where he manages a team of 36 students and has raised over $60,000 to support undergraduate biology research projects and support a free summer research program for high school students with backgrounds underrepresented in science. He hopes to complete an MSc by Research in Clinical Neurosciences and an MSc by Research in Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics.