Xiang Chen

Election Year: 2024

Election Constituency: China

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: China & Balliol 2024

Xiang Chen


Xiang Chen is a senior at Peking University majoring in Portuguese language and literature. She is broadly interested in the social history of Southern Africa and Sino-African relations. Xiang’s exchange and fieldwork experience covers Coimbra (Portugal), Sichuan (China), and Harare (Zimbabwe). Additionally, she has conducted research on the Homeless Workers’ Movement (MTST) in Brazil and the founding of the Brazilian empire. Previously, Xiang has worked as a research assistant at the Landesa Rural Development Institute and served as a Global Young Ambassador at Carnegie China. Outside of school, she also does fencing and British Parliamentary debate, having earned awards at regional or national levels. At Oxford, Xiang intends to further her passion for African studies and promote more equitable South-South cooperation.