Mothibi Mathivha

Election Year: 2024

Election Constituency: Southern Africa

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: South Africa-at-Large & St Peter's 2024

Mothibi Mathivha


Mothibi is completing his BSc. Honours in Physics at the University of Cape Town, working on Random Walks on Lie Groups. Before this, he completed undergraduate degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science. This led to his interest in how to build dynamical physics simulations in low resource environments, an idea he pursued during his time at the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, where he is now a fellow.

Mothibi's future research interests lie in the applications of topology to aspects of condensed matter physics such as topological order and phase transitions.

Outside of academics, Mothibi is an avid cricket player and a beatmaker composing Lo-Fi instrumentals.