Mohammed Alwelyee

Election Year: 2024

Election Constituency: Saudi Arabia

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Saudi Arabia & Keble 2024

Mohammed Alwelyee


Mohammed is currently pursuing a biomedical engineering degree with a concentration in nanotechnology at Boston University (BU). He works at the Glia Engineering lab, focusing on developing novel strategies to promote neural tissue regeneration following traumatic central nervous system injury. Additionally, Mohammed interned at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), where he got the chance to work with a team of consultants in the health industries business unit on introducing value-based payment to the Saudi healthcare system in alignment with the Saudi Vision 2030. Motivated by a long family history of diabetes, Mohammed hopes to focus on advancing diabetes research at its interface with nanotechnology as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. Outside the lab, he is the president of BU’s Saudi Cultural Club where he aspires to create a supportive environment where members can learn, share, and celebrate the rich heritage of Saudi Arabia together. In his free time, Mohammed enjoys hiking, rock climbing, and playing football.