Leighton Schreyer

Election Year: 2024

Election Constituency: Canada

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Ontario & Keble 2024

Leighton Schreyer


Leighton Schreyer (they/them) completed a BSc in Neuroscience at Western University and is currently a second-year medical student at the University of Toronto. They are a writer, poet, and critically mad queer activist whose work has been featured in some of the world’s leading medical and literary journals. Their writing often explores themes of gender, sexuality, mental health and the human condition as they strive to unsettle norms and critically engage with the world around them. Leighton is passionate about recentering the fundamental role that story plays in healthcare and caregiving, and about using narrative as a powerful tool to foster healing and human connection. At Oxford, they plan to conduct anthropological research, exploring the implications of classification practices in psychiatry and how storytelling can be used to empower patients, reframe settler-colonial constructions of health and illness, and rehumanize medicine.