Tassilo Schwarz

Election Year: 2023

Election Constituency: Germany

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Germany & Merton 2023

Tassilo Schwarz


Tassilo Schwarz is interested in mathematics, the theory of computer science, computational biology, and the impact of technology on society. He is currently studying computational biology at the Department for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) in Cambridge and has previously studied Mathematics and Computer Science in Oxford and Zurich. Tassilo's recent work includes a generalisation of the spatial Moran process, a stochastic process describing the evolution of a finite population on a graph. This model can be used to describe cancer evolution on a tissue and the spread of fake news on a social network. Having worked at the ETH Center for Law and Economics and interned at the German Parliament, he is interested in how regulated technology can advance our society. Under the Rhodes Scholarship, Tassilo wants to further fundamental research in mathematics and algorithms for social and biological problems.