Syed Muhammad Khalid

Election Year: 2023

Election Constituency: India

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: India & St Antony's 2023

Syed Muhammad Khalid


Khalid's undergraduate studies were in English literature at St Stephen's College, New Delhi. His master's dissertation in Modern South Asian Studies examined the role of protest libraries and proposed reading as an act of citizenship. Currently, he is a DPhil (PhD) student in English, doing a comparative study of postcolonial satirical narratives in Hindi, Urdu and English. Khalid's scholarly interests are primarily in literary studies, including postcolonial studies, literature in translation, and the philosophy of literature. An avid reader of poetry, he has recently also been invested in early modern Braj and Awadhi works. He is also interested in the intellectual history of Islam in South Asia and questions about the citizenship of Indian Muslims. Besides this, he is also passionate about people's stories and has worked with several organisations to collect oral histories. He is an ardent football fan and loves to catch a UCL game with friends at Jude the Obscure.