Mwangi Mwaura

Election Year: 2023

Election Constituency: Kenya

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Kenya & Christ Church 2023

Mwangi Mwaura


Mwangi is a researcher and writer from Kenya. He graduated with first-class honours in International Relations and Diplomacy, International Development major, from Pioneer International University. He has worked as a researcher at the British Institute in Eastern Africa (BIEA) and the Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies (CHRIPS) in Nairobi. Mwangi has published on various urban aspects including on the colonial nature of demolitions in Nairobi, inclusion and exclusion of youths and people with disabilities and on the impact of private security in Kenya’s counter terrorism efforts. He has published in regional and geography oriented academic journals, national newspaper columns and continental platforms including Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE) and with Africa is a Country. He has also worked with Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre hub in Nairobi, Refugee Led Research Hub, where he curated academic enrichment and fun social events for the students, researchers and scholars. At Oxford, Mwangi intends to conduct research on city making and habitation in Nairobi guided by the southern urbanism paradigm. He is a hiker and also writes short fiction stories as a pursuit and practice of freedom.