Julia Levy

Election Year: 2023

Election Constituency: Canada

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: British Columbia & Wolfson 2023

Julia Levy


Julia Levy is a recent graduate from the University of Victoria (UVic) with an Honours in Chemistry, and Minor in Visual Arts. In addition to her research with labs at UVic and the University of Bristol, Julia has done work with the UVic Chemistry department designing augmented reality teaching tools to improve learning accessibility in undergraduate classes. She has also worked with the Vancouver Island Drug Checking Project to help combat the opioid crisis. Additionally, she has worked with a non-profit for gender diverse youth, Gender Generations Project, as a director and trans mentor. She is excited to pursue Masters in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, and Education (Digital and Social Change). She hopes to leverage this work to continue to develop educational software that improves learning outcomes for students of all backgrounds. Julia is passionate about lowering barriers within communities to effect positive change, including access to safe substances, mentorship and education. She cannot wait to take these ideals to Oxford.