Hazim Alwazir

Election Year: 2023

Election Constituency: Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Palestine & Exeter 2023

Hazim Alwazir


Hazim graduated on the Dean’s List of the UC Berkeley School of Law where he obtained an LLM specializing in the intersection of Law and Technology and served as an Associate Editor for the Berkeley Technology Law Journal. He enrolled in Berkeley Law at the age of twenty-one after passing the New York State Bar Exam and graduating with an LLB from the University of Exeter. Hazim is Palestinian, and grew up most of his life in both the West Bank and Gaza. At Oxford Hazim hopes to pursue programs and research that could advance our understanding of the relationship between digital rights, societal norms, and economic potential. Outside of academics Hazim enjoys hiking, going to museums, and spending time with friends and family.