Arman Sakir Husein

Election Year: 2022

Election Constituency: Malaysia

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Malaysia & Magdalen 2022

Arman Sakir Husein


Arman is a junior majoring in Economics and History at Columbia University. In the wake of the pandemic, he founded MRA Siswa, the student-led wing of the Malaysian Relief Agency that empowers university students to volunteer in six different fields of service. He is also the founding Editor-in-Chief of Econsilience, a multidisciplinary undergraduate research journal publishing original works on Malaysian and ASEAN issues. Arman believes ardently in the power of historical and statistical thinking in formulating effective policies. At Oxford, he hopes to pursue a master's degree in Economic and Social History and another in Economics for Development. Upon graduating, Arman plans to join Bank Negara Malaysia as a graduate trainee, crafting policies for a more resilient, sustainable, and equitable post-COVID economy.