Selina Brinkmann

Election Year: 2021

Election Constituency: Germany

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Germany & Magdalen 2021

Selina Brinkmann


Selina graduated from the University of Siegen with distinction, focusing on successfully reducing noise pollution of wind turbines. She further pursued her interest in renewable energy at the University of California, Merced and is currently trying to reduce freshwater usage in the Central Valley to reduce land retirement and soil salinity.
At Oxford, she aims to further her studies in renewable energy, to reduce cost and make it more competitive.

As a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) recipient and scholar of the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation, Selina has been active in local politics and promoting German researchers abroad. Selina is a bubbly individual, loves the outdoors and playing Ultimate Frisbee. Besides those pursuits, she is involved in Scouts and tutoring. Working with schools and foster care, she helps increase children's chances to succeed in life.