Seluleko Ngcobo

Election Year: 2020

Election Constituency: Southern Africa

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: South Africa-at-Large & St Antony's 2020

Seluleko Ngcobo


Seluleko Eric Ngcobo is a young man who grew up in rural KwaZulu-Natal. He matriculated at Isolemamba Senior Secondary at iFolweni, a township close to eThekwini (Durban). Seluleko studied and attained his Bachelor's degree in Social Work in 2017 from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN); and enrolled for a Master's degree in Population Studies at UZKN. He graduated cum laude in both his undergrad and postgraduate degrees. Currently, Seluleko is interested in reading for his doctorate with special focus on investigating masculinities and health-seeking behaviours. His interest in working with the youth, finds expression in Seluleko's involvement with NGO's such as Aidswize, and engaging with fellow students at other South African universities and vocational training Colleges where he raises awareness about HIV.