Matt Goh

Election Year: 2020

Election Constituency: Australia

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Australian Commonwealth Territories & Merton 2020

Matt Goh


Matt is a theoretical physicist, graduating from the ANU with a PhB (Hons) degree and the University Medal. He was an active resident of Bruce Hall, pursuing activities ranging from mentoring to film and drama. He has been an active leader in wider campus life, with executive roles in the Physics Society and Solar Car Association. Matt is a keen educator and has been a casual member of teaching staff at the ANU since 2017. His research interests are diverse, leading to previous projects at the ANU, University of Adelaide, University of Sydney, and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. At Oxford he intends to continue his studies in physics, and design new ways to utilise ultracold atoms as a platform for quantum simulation.