Marcus Dahl

Election Year: 2020

Election Constituency: Australia

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Australia-at-Large & St Edmund Hall 2020

Marcus Dahl


Marcus was a Tuckwell Scholar at the Australian National University, from which he graduated with a BLaws(Hons), BSc, and a GradDip Legal Practice. While at ANU, he was President of Ursula Hall Residents' Committee and interned with two Aboriginal Legal Services, Kimberley Community Legal Services and the Australian Law Reform Commission. Marcus was awarded the Tillyard Prize, a University Medal and the Blackburn Medal. Following graduation, he was a Foreign Law Clerk at the Constitutional Court of South Africa. He recently returned to Australia to work as an Associate at the Federal Court of Australia. His core interests are in public interest advocacy and ethics. He has long been involved in Scouting and enjoys endurance events, hiking and nature photography.