Anish Gawande

Election Year: 2020

Election Constituency: India

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: India & Brasenose 2020

Anish Gawande


Anish graduated with a BA in Comparative Literature and Society from Columbia University in 2018, focusing on the intersection of law, literature, and politics in South Asia and Francophone West Africa. He currently serves as the Director of the Dara Shikoh Fellowship, an interdisciplinary arts residency based in Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh. Invested in electoral politics, Anish advised candidates for the 2019 Indian parliamentary elections - and created Pink List India, the country's first archive of queer-friendly politicians. His academic interests revolve around global histories of sexuality, particularly on legal modifications of queerness in former Francophone and Anglophone colonies. In the long run, he hopes to be a catalyst towards getting queer folx elected to office in India. Away from politics and academia, Anish spends his time translating Marathi poetry and taking care of five cats.