Peter Holderrieth

Election Year: 2019

Election Constituency: Germany

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: Germany & New College 2019

Peter Holderrieth


Peter Holderrieth is a Bachelor student in Mathematics at the University of Bonn with a minor in Economics. His studies focus on probability theory and he works as a tutor at the Mathematical Institute Bonn. Recently, he has conducted research analyzing the efficiency of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. Peter plays guitar and piano in various ensembles and composes music of different genres; two of his works for symphonic orchestras have already been played on stage. Moreover, he pursues his interest in philosophy and politics in various ways, e.g. as an intern at the German Parliament, as a participant of his university's Honours Program or as a scholar of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and German Academic Scholarship Foundation. At Oxford he intends to specialise in (computational) statistics and its intersections to data analysis and machine learning.