Hamza Waseem

Election Year: 2019

Election Constituency: Pakistan

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Pakistan & Magdalen 2019

Hamza Waseem


Hamza is in senior year of a bachelor's in Electrical Engineering at the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. Having worked with various international science journals and magazines, he is now working towards introducing student-powered science journalism in Pakistan. Keen on science outreach, Hamza works as a science communicator with Khwarizmi Science Society and has played an instrumental role in organizing Lahore Science Melas (festivals). He is an avid reader and likes to read literature and philosophy when he is not doing science. These days, his research deals with metasurface holography and quantum optics. At Oxford, Hamza aspires to pursue experimental physics. In the distant future, he also hopes to work on the science policy of Pakistan.