Rahul Bajaj

Election Year: 2018

Election Constituency: India

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: India & Linacre 2018

Rahul Bajaj


Rahul Bajaj is a lawyer who graduated from Nagpur University in 2017. Deeply interested in intellectual property law and constitutional law, Rahul was a fellow for a leading intellectual property law blog called SpicyIP and has written articles on a large array of hot button constitutional law issues for several leading platforms in the field. In his final year of law school, Rahul interned for Indian Supreme Court judge UU Lalit. Blind since birth, Rahul is deeply committed to the cause of making the legal ecosystem accessible to lawyers with disabilities and has spearheaded many initiatives to this end in his capacity as a team leader of a project called the IDIA Disability Access Programme (IDAP). He intends to further his studies in Law at Oxford.