Henry West

Election Year: 2018

Election Constituency: Australia

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: Tasmania & Balliol 2018

Henry West


Henry completed his undergraduate education at the University of Tasmania. He has a strong interest in cardiovascular disease prevention and vascular imaging. While at Oxford, Henry will pursue a DPhil examining, through clinical trials, a new form of vascular imaging. In Tasmania, Henry served as President of the Tasmanian University Medical Students' Society and was involved in many other community organisations including conservation and social justice causes. Henry has spent some 6 months working on evidence-based public health initiatives in western Uganda. Henry competes in ultra-marathon events around Oceania; he favours the 100km race distance. Further, he has been active in numerous choirs and ensembles, having taken up singing and the trombone in primary school. To relax, Henry spends his time in the beautiful Tasmanian wilderness with friends.