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Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship


Rebecca Duke

Election Year: 2017

Election Constituency: Australia

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: Victoria & Balliol 2017

Rebecca Duke


Rebecca is currently training as a provisional psychologist and works as an Associate Director for Policy, Economics & Public Impact at KPMG Australia, where she leads a national Research & Development program. Previously, she worked at the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System as policy lead for workforce strategy, planning and wellbeing, in addition to rural and regional system reform. She has also worked as a policy advisor across a number of portfolios at the Department of Premier and Cabinet (Victoria) and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (Canberra). Rebecca has a special interest in qualitative analysis and geospatial mapping. Her work currently focuses on large-scale system reform, workforce strategy and planning and lived experience leadership in the context of mental health and wellbeing. She is an experienced project manager and facilitator who is passionate about driving meaningful, evidence-based policy and systemic reform for improved public outcomes.