Tim Rudner

Election Year: 2016

Election Constituency: Germany

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Germany & New College 2016

Tim Rudner


Tim Rudner is a senior at Yale University with a double major in Applied Mathematics and Economics. He is interested in exploring economic issues from a multidisciplinary perspective and has conducted research on financial crises, international trade theory, and long-run economic growth models. His senior thesis, supported by a grant from the Leitner Program in International and Comparative Political Economy, examines how variation in bank characteristics may have affected different types of bank risk during the European Sovereign Debt Crisis. A German National Academic Foundation Scholar, Tim has worked as a Tobin Research Assistant at the Yale Department of Economics and has performed research in the European Central Bank's Financial Research Division. Outside his studies, he has worked as a mathematics, economics, and language tutor, served on the University Provost's Undergraduate Advisory Committee, and acted as vice president of the Yale European Undergraduates.