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Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship


Sakhe Mkosi

Election Year: 2016

Election Constituency: Southern Africa

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: South Africa-at-Large & St Antony's 2016

Sakhe Mkosi


Sakhe matriculated from Pretoria Boys High School after which he completed a BCom and a Post-graduate Diploma in Accounting, both from the University of Cape Town and with distinction. He is currently pursuing an MPhil in Public Policy and Administration, also at the University of Cape Town. Sakhe has lead his residence on its house committee and through his chosen 'sport', chess, Sakhe has been involved in student sports leadership, having chaired the UCT Chess Club, been the treasurer for the Student Sports Union and also been a member of the SRC Sports Sub-council. Sakhe strongly believes that the route to lower levels of poverty, inequality and unemployment in South Africa, particularly as they affect the black majority, has to be led by better governance and state policy.