Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship

Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship


Kimberley Savill

Election Year: 2016

Election Constituency: New Zealand

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: New Zealand & Brasenose 2016

Kimberley Savill


Kimberley completed her Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in 2015. She was the best student to complete a Mathematics major in 2014, and top student in Chemistry each year of her BSc. She has conducted research in spectroscopy, and theoretical and computational chemistry, and aims to contribute to the improvement of renewable energy technologies in future.

Kimberley has held numerous university volunteer roles, particularly in supporting new students. Alongside a successful competitive debating career she has worked extensively as an administrator at secondary school and university level, seeking to make the benefits of debating accessible to more young people. In her free time she enjoys running, reading and playing clarinet and piano.