Andrew Kaplan

Election Year: 2016

Election Constituency: United States of America

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: New York & St John's 2016

Andrew Kaplan


Andrew N. Kaplan, New York City, graduated from Brown University in 2015, where he majored in Political Science and graduated with highest honors. His senior thesis related to rising homelessness in New York City. Since graduating, he has been an Urban Fellow in the New York Mayor's Office of Operations, where he focuses on efforts to prevent and reduce homelessness and improve current shelter conditions and capacity. While at Brown, Andrew co-founded Common Sense Action, the first national bipartisan grass roots advocacy organization of Millennials, which he grew to more than 40 university chapters in 20 states, and which has since merged with Run for America. At Brown, he also did extensive work in medieval history, Chinese, and literature.