Nomfundo Ramalekana

Election Year: 2015

Election Constituency: Southern Africa

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: South Africa-at-Large & Lady Margaret Hall 2015

Nomfundo Ramalekana


Nomfundo finished her LLB (Bachelor of Laws) at the University of Pretoria in 2013. During her studies at the University of Pretoria, she served on the University's Constitutional Tribunal, the Faculty of Law's Moot and Debating Society as well as its Legal Sheeben. Nomfundo did a supervised internship at the Institute for Comparative Law in Africa, researching use of force policy by law enforcement officials and the protection of the right to life in Africa. She also did an internship at the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities, conducting workshops on children's rights in South Africa. She is currently a candidate attorney at Bowman Gilfillan Inc. and volunteers at a Refugee Clinic in Braamfontein, Johannesburg.