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Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship


Mayanka Mukherji

Election Year: 2015

Election Constituency: India

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: India & St Cross 2015

Mayanka Mukherji


Mayanka completes her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology in May 2015. She is a spoken word poet, and uses this medium to deal with ideas of gender, communalism and misconstrued notions of development, simultaneously experimenting with rhythm, pace, volume, repetition and other vocal devices, thereby allowing the form and the content to shape one another. She has also been involved in theatre through directing, scriptwriting and acting, focusing on a corporeal dialogue with spaces. Her research projects, while dealing with themes of liminality, material culture, graffiti, have explored several mediums such as film, urban-mapping, role-play and self-created board games. Though her MPhil in Visual Material and Museum Anthropology at Oxford, she wants to study ideas of visual literacy and object-centred narratives to be able to innovate newer methodologies within anthropology.