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Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship


Arfa Rehman

Election Year: 2015

Election Constituency: United Arab Emirates

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: United Arab Emirates & St Antony's 2015

Arfa Rehman


Originally from India, Arfa was raised by her mother in Saudi Arabia. Arfa is currently studying Social Research and Public Policy and Visual Arts at New York University Abu Dhabi where she has compiled a 4.0 official GPA. An active volunteer, Arfa is on the leadership board of the Women's Leadership Network at NYU Abu Dhabi, has taught art and IT classes in Bangalore for the last four summers, and taught English at the Somali Cultural Center in Abu Dhabi. She is also a graphic designer and co-founder of The Design Collective at NYU Abu Dhabi, and has had her artwork exhibited in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and France. Arfa is currently researching entrepreneurial activity and related policies in the UAE, and intends to study Comparative Social Policy at Oxford.