Alexa Yakubovich

Election Year: 2015

Election Constituency: Canada

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: Prairies & Green Templeton 2015

Alexa Yakubovich


Alexa was named University of Manitoba Gold Medallist in 2013. Having achieved this top standing in her BA in Psychology, she went on to complete the MSc in Evidence-Based Social Intervention from Oxford, with Distinction, this September. For years a volunteer in various social justice and public health causes, she is currently a research assistant in the University of Manitoba Social Justice Laboratory, working on strategies to spur public support for improved water and sanitation services for First Nations on behalf of a consortium of groups, including the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and Amnesty International Canada. She hopes to pursue doctoral work in Social Intervention at Oxford, leading ultimately to a research and teaching career focused on the social determinants of child health and well-being.