Seham Areff

Election Year: 2014

Election Constituency: Southern Africa

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: South Africa-at-Large & Keble 2014

Seham Areff


Seham completed her law degree from UKZN this year with distinction. In 2012, she graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Political Science and Legal Studies. An avid debater since high-school, Seham has competed in numerous domestic and international debating competitions. More recently, she represented her University at the All Africa Moot Competition in Cape Town which focused on human rights law on the African continent which is a particular area of academic interest for her. Before taking her place at Oxford next year she will be clerking at the Constitutional Court of South Africa. Longer-term, Seham hopes to contribute to isolating the legal and political mechanisms to successful post-conflict state-building with a specific focus on constitution-drafting in developing