Meredith Wheeler

Election Year: 2014

Election Constituency: United States of America

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: Colorado & Magdalen 2014

Meredith Wheeler


Meredith L. Wheeler, Fort Collins, is a senior at Stanford majoring in history and political science. Elected as a junior to Phi Beta Kappa, her academic work has focused on the middle east. A Truman Scholar, Meredith has researched comparative democratization, post-coup repression, and Islamic party politics in Egypt and Islamist political organizations in Morocco. She has worked as a research assistant for Condoleeza Rice at the Hoover Institution and as an intern in the office of Senator Mark Udall. She is chair of Stanford in Government, serves on Stanford's Board of Trustees, is on the editorial board of Stanford's undergraduate history journal and was a member of the editorial board of the The Stanford Daily. She is also a member of Stanford's alpine ski team.