Freya Shearer

Election Year: 2014

Election Constituency: Australia

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: Western Australia & St John's 2014

Freya Shearer


Freya completed her Bachelor of Science in 2012. Freya's interest in global health, its challenges, solutions and development led to her involvement, first as Operations Manager, and more recently as Co-Director, with Upside. This is an Australian not-for-profit organisation which seeks to impact health, education and economic development in rural Nepal, by providing seed capital and management support to community-owned agricultural projects whose profits will eventually support local education and health services. She is currently working as Academic Support Officer in the Emergency Department of St John of God Murdoch Hospital and has written a research paper exploring emergency department staff needs and perception in palliative care provision. Apart from her academic and vocational work, Freya is a five times State Medallist in the 100m hurdles. She plays piano recreationally and organises weekly soccer matches for volunteers and detainees at the Perth Immigration Detention Centre. Long-term, Freya hopes to contribute to the development of solutions to public health problems in Australia and internationally.