Charalee Graydon

Election Year: 1982

Election Constituency: Canada

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: Prairies & Wadham 1982

Charalee Graydon


Charalee Graydon was born in Alberta, Canada. She is an academic involved in Climate Change Education and Collaborative Decision-Making and Associate Professor at Euclid University. She holds degrees in arts and law. Following receipt of a Rhodes scholarship in 1982, she pursued post-graduate legal studies in Oxford, England, and completed her doctorate in mediation and conflict resolution. She held academic positions in England, New Zealand, and Canada and practiced law in Canada. Charalee has published academic works on crime and punishment, and climate change, and the arts. Her academic work includes Creating A Masterpiece: The Arts and Climate Change Conflict, a children’s book. Life on Planet Earth: My Story and books of literary fiction, including The Judgement Game, Let's Play the Game, and Can we Save the Human Race.