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Scholars' Library: With Chisanga Chekwe on 'Zambia: Pathways to Excellence'

Scholars' Library: With Chisanga Chekwe on 'Zambia: Pathways to Excellence'

22 June 2022

17:00 - 18:00 (GMT+01:00)

Online Platform


Join Chisanga Chekwe (Zambia & Exeter 1976) for a conversation on his book Zambia: Pathways to Excellence.

Part of the Lifelong Fellowship portfolio, The Scholars’ Library is a monthly book talk series, where Rhodes alumni can come together to present, discover and debate their literary works. If you’re interested in getting involved, please reach out to Georgie Thurston at

For our June event, we are pleased to invite you to take part in a conversation with Chisanga Chekwe (Zambia & Exeter 1976), author of  'Zambia: Pathways to Excellence'.

In dialogue with Chishimba Kasanga (Zambia & Wolfson 2021), amongst other topics Chisanga will discuss the current state of Zambia, pathways to improvement and the role colonialism plays.

Scholars may obtain a copy of 'Zambia: Pathways to Excellence' here:

Pathways to Excellence suggests ways in which Zambia could liberate herself from mediocrity and become the world class economy it is meant to be. In addition to sensible prescriptions such as maximizing the efficacy of public spending, and creating conditions that support Zambian entrepreneurship, the author argues that the country's full potential cannot be realized until the ghost of colonialism is exorcised from the national psyche. Ways are suggested as to how Zambians can regain the confidence of their pre-colonial ancestors, and proceed to excellence

Chisanga Chekwe (Zambia & Exeter 1976) is President of the Masomo Education Foundation, a Canadian charitable organisation that provides scholarships to young men and women from low-income families. Before that he served as Deputy Minister of the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship Immigration and International Trade. He was also Deputy Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues and Seniors’ Affairs.

In 1998, he became the founding Chair and CEO of the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal. During his tenure the tribunal became a best practice noted for not having a backlog of cases. His experience also includes several senior positions with Canadian and international organizations, including the Ontario Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, Meridien International Bank, England, and the law firm of Lloyd Jones & Collins, Zambia. Chisanga studied law at the University of Birmingham in England. A Rhodes Scholar, he received a Master of Laws degree from the University of London, and B.A. and M.A. degrees in philosophy, politics and economics from the University of Oxford. In 2016, Chisanga completed the Directors’ Education Programme at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, obtaining the professional ICD.D designation granted by the Institute of Corporate Directors.

In 1994 Chisanga served as a United Nations Observer and Adjudication Officer to the historic South African election that brought Nelson Mandela to power. Two years later he served as supervisor of the election in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Chisanga is the author of An Election to Remember, Getting Zambia to Work, Cobra in the Boat: Michael Sata’s Zambia, and Getting Ahead: Due Diligence in Investor Migration Programmes.

Chishimba Kasanga (Zambia & Wolfson 2021) is a Zambian 2021 Rhodes Scholar studying for an MSc in Social Science of the Internet at Wolfson College. She holds a Master’s in Journalism and Media Studies from Rhodes University in South Africa and a Bachelor’s in Mass Communication from the University of Zambia. Her Master’s research investigates how Zambian feminists use Twitter to challenge patriarchy and gender non-conformity in Zambia’s heteronormative society. Previously, Chishimba worked as a Gender Coordinator at Lubuto Library Partners, a Zambian NGO, where she advocated for the fight against HIV/AIDS among adolescent girls. She also served as an official DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-Free, Mentored, and Safe) Ambassador for women and girls in Zambia. Chishimba is actively engaged in the welfare of African Students. Currently, she serves as a Diversity Representative, she convenes seminars and diversity training at Wolfson College and has been appointed as a peer supporter for people of colour in the college. She is also contesting for the position of General Secretary in the forthcoming University of Oxford Africa Society elections. Chishimba enjoys reading, listening to music and podcasts, and cycling around Oxford in her free time.


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Q & A:

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