06 September 2023

Rhodes House Hosts Rise Residential Summit 2023

An image of three students with their arms around each other, posing for a photo and smiling. One of the students is wearing a jumper with the Rise logo on it.

In early August, Rhodes House hosted 100 exceptional young changemakers for the second week of the 2023 Rise Residential Summit.

Rise - an initiative of Schmidt Futures and the Rhodes Trust - finds promising young people and provides opportunity for life as they work to serve others. Each year, Rise invites 15-17 year olds from around the world to showcase their potential through an untraditional application process of videos, projects, and group interviews.

The Rise Residential Summit is a fully-funded residential summit for Rise Global Winners (RGWs) as a complete cohort that takes place in a rotating location globally. This year, the 15-day summit was held in London (24 - 31 July) and in Oxford (1 - 8 August).

Rhodes House’s new conference centre and garden spaces coupled with its prime location in central Oxford provided an ideal hub for a stimulating itinerary that left participants inspired and energised.

An image of Dr Elizabeth Kiss, the warden of Rhodes House, making a speech at a podium to a conference room of students seated at desks. Dr Elizabeth Kiss, Warden of Rhodes House and CEO of the Rhodes Trust, addresses RGWs in the new Rhodes House convening centre
An image of two students walking through the streets of Oxford. The photo is from behind, and the two students are wearing backpacks with the Rise logo. RGWs exploring Oxford
Rise Residential Summit 2023 Talk In Garden Pavilion

Exploring New Disciplines

Activities, workshops and lectures encompassed Schmidt Futures’ 6 strategic areas - AI, Astrophysics, Education, Engineering Biology, Entrepreneurship, and Climate & Sustainability - as well as Arts & Activism. At Rhodes House, RGWs heard from industry experts including trailblazing astrophysicist Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Emmy-nominated filmmaker Matt Maude and many more!

Image left: hearing from industry experts in the new Rhodes House Garden Pavilion

Rise Residential Summit 2023 Open Mic Night

Spaces to Shine

RGWs were given space to showcase their knowledge, talent and brilliance through many activities. Lighting talks held at Rhodes House allowed RGWs five minutes to talk about a topic of their choosing spanning from innovative methods to solve homelessness, to solving a physics equation without knowing physics, to the importance of LGBTQI+ existence. The Open Mic night allowed RGW to celebrate their talents through singing, dancing, poetry, skits, and more.

Image right: Forging friendships at the Open Mic Night in the new Rhodes House conference centre

“It’s inspiring to see how we are all willing to make a difference, yet this difference looks different for all of us. The RRS [Rise Residential Summit] was a “WOW” moment for me.” – 2022 Rise Global Winner

Rise Residential Summit 2023 Xr Lab

Changing Trajectory

Learning about new disciplines and ideas, alongside interactions with peers from around the world broadened the perspectives of RGWs regarding their futures. Many conversations sparked realisations and prompted thoughts on changing direction.

Image left: RGWs trying out VR headsets in the new XR lab in Rhodes House

Rise Residential Summit 2023 Group Photo

Strength in Community

The power of community resonated from the opening ceremony and maintained a strong presence throughout the rest of the program. Over the 15 days, the community of this cohort of RGWs began to take shape with the forging of new friendships and collaborations. Participants came to understand that no matter where they are, they are integral to a larger community.

Image right: RGWs celebrating new friendships

Power of Network

The palpable impact of the Schmidt Futures & Rhodes Trust network was evident as participants from around the world convened to contribute to and support the RGWs. Across the Summit, more than eighty expert guests generously shared their wisdom including Rhodes Scholars Summia Tora and Shantel Marekera as well as former Rhodes Trust warden Charles Conn. Additionally, professionals engaged in networking mixers held in both London and at Rhodes House, offering a platform for these young individuals to connect and learn from established individuals.

As the Rise Global Winners return home the knowledge gained, community established, and inspiration ignited will stay with them. We eagerly await the stories of impact, innovation, and empowerment that will undoubtedly emerge from this extraordinary group of young minds.

Learn more about Rise here.

Rise Residential Summit 2023 Group Photo 2 All photos taken by Stu Millage

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