Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship

Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship


Sarah Haynes

Election Year: 2023

Election Constituency: Australia

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: New South Wales & Jesus 2023

Sarah Haynes


Sarah is a junior doctor from Sydney, Australia who is passionate about tackling sex and gender discrimination in Medicine. She graduated from the University of New South Wales in 2021 with a Doctor of Medicine. Whilst studying, she discovered a love for long distance running, particularly trail running. Through endurance running, she learnt how unique female physiology and anatomy can impact training and performance. This prompted her to start questioning how unique female physiology can impact disease presentation and treatment in clinical Medicine. She hopes to contribute to broadening our current approach to Women’s Health so that we may better understand the impact of sex and gender in healthcare. She is currently undertaking a DPhil in Women’s and Reproductive Health with a global health project focussing on the diagnosis of iron deficiency in pregnancy. Outside of running and medicine, Sarah loves spending time outdoors, painting, reading and a good coffee.