Nuzaina Khan

Election Year: 2023

Election Constituency: Pakistan

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Pakistan & Hertford 2023

Nuzaina Khan


Nuzaina Faisal Khan is a senior at Wellesley College double majoring in economics and psychology. She is interested in leveraging behavioral economics, game theory, and social psychology insights to understand decision-making online. Nuzaina works at the Human Cooperation Lab at MIT where she helps develop survey experiments that are used to study and reduce misinformation prevalence on Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Her senior Honors thesis investigates how already-existing biases manifest online, shape false belief formation, and determine trustworthiness. Nuzaina has demonstrated her commitment to leadership through the various positions she holds and was awarded the Joan Freed Kahn’51 Award for frontline community service. At Wellesley, Nuzaina currently serves as Chief Justice of the College, President of the Pakistani Student Association, and Captain of the Wellesley Sailing Team. She designed a model to decrease police response time in child kidnapping cases in Pakistan and successfully pitched the app to the Government of Punjab. Nuzaina was also a member of the Pakistan National Debate Team in 2017. At Oxford, Nuzaina hopes to develop an interdisciplinary toolkit to answer forward-looking questions on emerging technologies and develop frameworks to strengthen internet governance and combat the spread of misinformation in Pakistan.