Adrija Ghosh

Election Year: 2022

Election Constituency: India

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: India & Merton 2022

Adrija Ghosh


Adrija Ghosh is a 2021 graduate of the National Law University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. Currently, she is working as Consultant (Research) on projects related to the death penalty, at Project 39A, National Law University, Delhi. Her interests lie in the areas of equality law and human rights law. Her research and writing have dealt with the constitutionality of the marital rape exemption, as well as the relevance and weight of culture-based justifications for its retention. She has also worked on issues of citizenship rights, with a focus on the Foreigners’ Tribunals in Assam. At university, she was an Editor of an interdisciplinary legal journal, i.e., the Journal of India Law and Society. In the future, she wishes to fashion strategic interventions for the recognition of the rights of women and minorities. During her free time, she can be found reading or spending time with her dogs.