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Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship


Wilfried Zibell

Election Year: 2021

Election Constituency: United States of America

Scholar Status: Scholar in Residence

Rhodes Identifier: Alaska & New 2021

Wilfried Zibell


Wilfried Kuugauraq Zibell is a senior at Harvard College where he majors in Comparative Literature and Near Eastern Languages and Civilization. Wilfried comes from an Inuit (Nuurvik) subsistence village in the Alaskan arctic, and through education policymaking, language preservation and labour activism, has focused on the effects of colonialism. This past summer, he worked with their tribal association on its initial COVID-19 outbreak. His senior thesis compares comparative aspects of imperialism in Yiddish, in which Wilfried has done archival research, and Inupiat poetry. He served for two years on the Alaska State Board of Education and Early Development. At Oxford, Wilfried intends to research economic and social history.