Jackson Willis

Election Year: 2021

Election Constituency: United States of America

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: Florida & Magdalen 2021

Jackson Willis


Jackson focused his undergraduate studies on creedal democracy, classical literature, and development economics. He received his Economics and Humanities degree in May with Exceptional Distinction in Humanities and the James Andrew Haas Prize. At Yale, Jackson participated in Directed Studies and the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy. He was also engaged as Chair for the Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project (YHHAP) and on the board for Dwight Hall, Yale's Center for Public Service. Jackson has previously worked at the Yale Investments Office, for the Ramsar Convention on a Robin Berlin fellowship, and with the DalĂ­ Museum in his beloved hometown, St. Petersburg, FL. Jackson took a year's leave to join the Peace Corps Response in Guinea, working with the NGO Osez Innover to improve entrepreneurial opportunities.