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Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship


Bahaa Attaallah

Election Year: 2018

Election Constituency: Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: Palestine & University 2018

Bahaa Attaallah


Bahaa Attaallah is a Palestinian medical doctor and an honors graduate of Al-Quds University. During his time as a student, Bahaa served as Secretary General of the International Federation of Medical Students Association, organizing courses and campaigns on behalf of students and the local community. Bahaa has worked in Gaza with UNRWA, UNICEF, World Vision and Al-Sharq International forum. Building on his civic engagement and experience as a medical doctor during the war, Bahaa has been committed to promoting comprehensive mental health service provision and is passionate about evidence-based research guiding public opinion and medical practice. He is currently enrolled in an MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience at Durham University. In his spare time, Bahaa practices karate, enjoys creative writing and has published short stories and poems in both English and Arabic.