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Find out more about applying for the Rhodes Scholarship


Samuel Forbes

Election Year: 2014

Election Constituency: Australia

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: Tasmania & Brasenose 2014

Samuel Forbes


In the course of completing his BA and MA (and a Certificate of Languages), Sam spent a total of five years studying abroad, four in China (under a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council) and one in Japan (under the Japan Student Services Scholarship). As a result he is fluent in Mandarin and Japanese. He is also proficient in French and Latin and has conversational Cantonese. Whilst at NNU, Sam served as Course Co-ordinator and Associate Lecturer in conversational English at the Faculty of National Education, taught English at the Experimental High School and played cello for the Festival Orchestra of Nanjing. He enjoyed delivering concerts to underprivileged areas to promote values such as team work, commitment and communication through music. Longer-term Sam aspires make a contribution both to academic research on first and second language acquisition and development, and to influencing policy in favour of mainstream foreign language education and acquisition in Australia.